GDP Growth runs at 3 to 4% per year and there are population projections put out by the gov that show about a 1% increase changing to 0.5% increase over time. If the rich can screw the benefits of the GDP growth as per the direction Bush wants - then they will get extremely wealthy. Annual Projections of the Total Resident Population as of July 1:
Middle, Lowest, Highest, and Zero International Migration Series,
1999 to 2100.
Source: (1) Population Estimates Program, Population Division,
U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, D.C. 20233
(2) Population Projections Program, Population Division,
U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, D.C. 20233
Contact: Statistical Information Staff, Population Division,
U.S. Census Bureau, (301)763-2422 by telephone,
POP@CENSUS.GOV by e-mail (please include telephone number).
Internet Release Date: January 13, 2000
Revised Date: February 14, 2000
(Numbers in thousands. Consistent with the 1990 estimates base.)
Projected Population Zero
Year Middle Lowest Highest
2003 282,798 280,624 285,422 278,112
2004 285,266 282,352 288,841 279,493
2005 287,716 284,000 292,339 280,859
2006 290,153 285,581 295,911 282,219
2007 292,583 287,106 299,557 283,579
2008 295,009 288,583 303,274 284,945
2009 297,436 290,018 307,060 286,322
2010 299,862 291,413 310,910 287,710
2030 351,070 311,656 409,604 313,219
2031 353,749 312,204 415,839 314,153
2032 356,411 312,692 422,154 315,049
2050 403,687 313,546 552,757 327,641
2051 406,396 313,296 561,106 328,291
2052 409,127 313,030 569,589 328,949
2053 411,884 312,752 578,211 329,617
2080 497,830 300,747 873,794 354,471
2081 501,341 300,029 887,263 355,574
2082 504,866 299,286 900,922 356,681
2099 567,153 283,758 1,164,842 376,243
2100 570,954 282,706 1,182,390 377,444
Note: For a description of the methodology and assumptions see the
corresponding menu item, "Methodology and Assumptions for the Population
Projections of the United States: 1999 to 2100, Working Paper #38."