Mark Crispin Miller Examines Mainstream Media's Blind Eye Towards the Gannongate Sex Scandal The story is important NOT because Gannon is gay; the story is important because Gannon is a virulent gay-bashing, gay-baiting gay man who hired himself out as a gay male prostitute and was, for two years, allowed into the White House press room where he posed as a journalist -- and did all of this under the loving eyes of the most homophobic, "moral values" bunch of lying hypocrites this country has ever seen.
-- from a BuzzFlash interview with Mark Crispin Miller about "Jeff Gannon"-gate.
Feb. 23, 2005
Mark Crispin Miller: Those liberals who refuse to speak out on this issue just don't get it. They think they're being politically correct concerning gays, when all they're really doing is covering for the sickest homophobes. It was much the same thing with those Democrats who wouldn't make an issue of Bill Frist and his family making major profits off abortion. The Frists own a chain of hospitals that do abortions. That's astonishing hypocrisy, and ought to have been named as such, but it was not, because of Democratic shyness about saying anything that might sound anti-choice.
But the sanctity of reproductive rights was not the issue there. The issue was the insincerity and greed of those Republicans who moralize about abortion even as they make a big fat buck from it.
The point of going after Gannon/Guckert for his day job -- and outing all his rightist clients -- is not an anti-gay move. Rather, it's a way to demonstrate the bad faith of the homophobes, and, still more important, the psychological impossibility of their position. To note that this whole gay-baiting movement is itself the work of closet cases is to illuminate the pathological dimension of that movement.
So this episode is not anomalous. Guckert/Gannon is no oddity, but just another fine example of projective nastiness. He's by no means the only gay homophobe in this movement, which appears to be the work primarily of closet cases. There are others who have not been outed, but should be. The rest of us should be taking this quite seriously, not just because it might enable a political advantage, but because it cuts right to the heart of what this Christo-fascist movement's all about.
BuzzFlash: Now, Rove and company are advising Gannon/Guckert to claim that he has been saved by Christianity. Isn't that "get out of jail" card becoming a bit tired?
And why does this all matter?
BuzzFlash: Is it possible that, if the truth about the gay randiness in the modern Republican homophobe party got out to the red state believers, there might be a pitchfork rebellion AGAINST Rove, Bush and their homophobe hypocrites?
This is a good interview and you should really read it in its entirety.