Media Minister Andres Izarra launches the clash of ideas in battle of the medias
Venezuelan Media Minister Andres Izarra has announced a kick-start to the clash of ideas or media war. Attending a ceremony in Miraflores Palace dedicated to handing over TV and radio equipment to community and alternative media, Izarra says the media war has begun and it is time to take on what he calls the the Poison Press. "Enough of the press that poisons .. from here I say to hell with them!"
The 11 groups that received 9 sets of radio equipment and 2 community TVs are: La Reina (Anzoategui), Radio Perola (Caracas District), Tuyera (Miranda), Negro Primero (Capital District), Amistad (Zulia), Perijanera (Zulia), Chuspa (Vargas), Llovizna (Bolivar), Sultana del Cobre (Yaracuy), TV Puerto (Anzoategui) and TV Caricuao.
Izarra told the recipients that they are fundamental in stopping the onslaught against Venezuela of the transnational commercial press and their domestic lackeys ... "we are fed up of sending them letters, of meeting them and telling them that they are taking things out of context, lying, manipulating and twisting ... enough of lobbying to explain to them what is happening." Next year, the Ministry hopes to equip another 128 alternative media stations. The move is seen as another step forward in implementing one of president Hugo Chavez Frias' strategic plans to meet the political offensive of the US media.