Knowing when it's time to quit
February 25, 2005
Well, after nearly 15 years of daily deadlines, writing three to four editorials a week, in addition to a column, this seems as good a time as any to walk away from the grind.
I owe a debt of gratitude to my loyal readers, in San Diego and around the country, for supporting my writings over the years. And to the folks at, and – my three favorite Web sites – for occasionally posting my columns and giving my writings an even wider audience.
Indeed, I considered it my mission to counterbalance the liberal orthodoxy that prevails on most of the nation's opinion pages. I viewed myself as a voice of the majority of Americans who are right of center on the political spectrum.
I'm referring to the folks who live in so-called red states – or in red counties, like San Diego, in otherwise blue states, like California – whose conservative values are viewed contemptuously by the liberal elite who dominate academia and Hollywood and the putative mainstream media.
Perkins can be reached via e-mail at
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