Edited on Fri Oct-03-03 02:44 PM by Homer12
This post is meant to be a discussion about what will happen if we use the same tactics and abuse ethical tactics that the right has armed themselves with. Unfourtunatly I see it happening on DU, myself included. I am not free from the action of taking pleasure in the downfall of our ideological polerized Brothers and Sisters on the right.
For instance the recall: We all know that the right is branding this new weapon as a way to over-turn elections. They are right it is/was/can be a democratic process if used ethicaly and for teh right reasons. As we can see the Right has found a way to use the Media to out-rage people to have hastily and quickly made recall elections for a minority of determeined voters. California is the ultimate partisan recall to date. They did this masterfully for the Milwaukee Pension scandal (although it had great validity, the Right in my city twisted it for pure partisan gain, and now we have a privitization nazi called Scott Walker in office).
Now, should the left use this same tactic as partisan as they do? I know we have to fight back, but using this tactic makes the entire electoral system a fraud if it can be over-turned with such a minority voting in it.
The new Liberal Media in books and internet Radio (in a way, let me explain before you judge) reminds me of the 1990's when the Right-Wing attack media got going. We know, The Real Anita Hill, David Brock, Luara Ingram, AM Hate Radio, etc... Now by no means am I comparing the hatred and abject abuse of persuasive speech of most of the right at his time and even now. No, the new left/liberal media we have now learned many lessons from them about having real integrity when it comes to naming sources, using real facts, and letting us make up our own minds. Even Al Franken, one of the biggest critics, feels sorry for Rush Limbaugh. We would never see this sort of campssion from the right. I just see that we are at a critical point with our new media and we have to make SURE we don't support oppurtunistic carrer driven people like the right-wing media has (Ann C., Hannity, Rush, O'Reilly, etc...), these oppurtunistic people are the ones whom would take it over the edge and ruin any of our gains. Afterall, we don't ahve to make anything up, or twist any facts, the Bush Adminisration gives us enough ammunition everyday.
Beleive me, the right is trying to turn us into them (as far as the use of dirty politics, abuse of ethics, etc...), it will just make it easier for them to attack us. Before the 2000 election I heard Rush L. say that they had to win by any-means-neccessary (and so they did). Due to the fake/created/ preconception that thats how liberals and the left play the game of politics. In other words Rush said in order to beat them (us, the left) they had to become like us (obviously that didn't work at all, did it, since we were never that way in the first place).
We have to fight back, but with honor and integrity, armed with humor, facts, and knowledge. We must not become like the Right to defeat the Right. If this happens, the left/liberals/ and all progressives will become no better than the right.