Polling Data
Do you think the press has been too critical of the Bush Administration policies and performance so far, not critical enough or do you think that the press has handled this about right?
Jun. 2005 Jul. 2003
Press too critical 28% 34%
Not critical enough 33% 24%
About right 34% 35%
Don’t know / Refused 5% 7%
Some people think that by criticizing leaders, news organizations keep political leaders from doing their job. Others think that such criticism is worth it because it keeps political leaders from doing things that should not be done. Which position is closer to your opinion?
Jun. 2005 Jul. 2003
Keeps leaders from doing their jobs 28% 29%
Keeps leaders from doing things that shouldn’t be done 60% 54%
Don’t know / Refused 12% 17%
Some people think that by criticizing the military, news organizations weaken the country’s defences. Others think that such criticism helps keep our nation militarily prepared. Which position is closer to your opinion?
Jun. 2005 Jul. 2003
Weakens defences 47% 43%
Keeps nation prepared 44% 45%
Don’t know / Refused 9% 12%
Source: Princeton Survey Research Associates / Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
Methodology: Telephone interviews to 1,464 American adults, conducted from Jun. 8 to Jun. 12, 2005. Margin of error is 3 per cent. <snip>