Glad I live in rural America because I can climb a tree out back to keep from wading in corporate media`s bubbling cesspool. Is this a bad dream or did I really see what I thought I saw? A procession in honor of the latest Harry Potter book? Wait a minute. Corporate media won`t show me a single war casket but they`ll send a herd of reporters to cover the release of one sensationalized book? Ah, yes. I get it. Family Values CBS... Family Values CNN... nearly aflutter over these historic glimpses of collective parental nurturing. Excuse me, but how many innocent civilians did we kill today? Are we really so shallow that the release of a hyped book and potential shark attacks get more air time than National Guard soldiers heading to Iraq for round two...or three?
Do you suppose these corporate giants controlling much of what we learn about our world could call back a few dozen reporters stationed in Aruba? Okay. Maybe four. Stick one outside Halliburton headquarters. Have another go undercover at Gitmo. Tell the third not to come back to the office until he finds the truth about Cheney`s Iraqi oilfield maps. Send the fourth to Walter Reed. Do a nice prime-time photo essay so we can all see what happens when young soldiers get sent into combat at the behest of empire-building chickenhawks.
They`re really talking about Harry Potter? What`s next? A primetime special on Fisher Price`s new #1 Christmas toy? Maybe it`s just me, but if my house was burning down, I wouldn`t be idly flipping through the pages of a decorating book pretending that it was a beautiful day in my neighborhood. I remember a few years ago there was a diet guru who wrote a book called STOP THE INSANITY. Now that`s a title I can relate to.