Media ReformROBERT MCCHESNEY: People had a lot of concerns about journalism and media in this country for a long time. But, I think they felt powerless for the most part.
That-- you know, that the media system was like the Rocky Mountain Range. There wasn't really anything you could do about it. You were stuck with it. And, I think what started then, and it's continuing now, is people understand their media system isn't natural. It's not a free market system. It wasn't set up by the founding fathers. It's a result of policies often times made corruptly behind closed doors in Washington.
And, once people realized that, then they didn't have to accept the lousy journalism, or the lack of journalism increasingly in this country. They didn't have to accept commercial carpet bombing of their children. It's like a light switch went on. They said, "Well, how can we stop this?" You know, we have a right and a duty as citizens in a free society to create a free press. We don't have to take what these guys are giving us.
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