Yes, I recast the headline on this one. But USA Today wasn't about to put the truth in their headline., 'Time' collaborate on covering big picture in Iraq
Network chief says coverage is lacking
By Peter Johnson
ABC News and Time magazine have joined forces for a series of in-depth reports in November on how the war in Iraq is affecting ordinary Iraqis.
... Last month, a media watchdog group found that ABC's World News Tonight, anchored by Peter Jennings, was by far the most anti-war of the Big Three nightly newscasts.
In his memo, ABC News president David Westin said he has been dissatisfied with media coverage of the war.
''I've been troubled for some time about the reporting of all news organizations on the situation in Iraq,'' he wrote. ''We often seem to be captive to the individual dramatic incident -- and those of us in television subject to one that comes with great video.
''ABC News is now going to address this conspicuous lacking in the reporting to date,'' Westin wrote. ''Our goal is essentially to conduct an audit across several parts of Iraq, gauging the quality of life for the average citizen.''
... Westin said Tuesday that the project has nothing to do with Bush claims about media bias or the study that found World News to be the most anti-war.