I've been on a lonely quest to do just what TBone is trying to do.
When confronted with the imposing wall of corporate media, most people on the Left simply assume it's like the weather, that there's nothing that can be done about it. Every once in a while someone wistfully dreams about a world where there are liberal TV channels and radio stations to stand up for our views, but before long the subject drifts off to something else.
Here's the thing :
we don't need TV and radio networks! The majority of people with computers these days have CD burners, and many people now have DVD burners. How does Joe Sixpack get most of his media content these days? He listens to his music from CD's and now watches his movies and "TV shows" on DVD! The tide is turning against centralized corporate media, and those of us with CD- and DVD-burners can be the agents of their downfall, if only everyone will snap out of their trance and put 2 and 2 together.
How powerful is disk copying? Say I make 2 copies of a disk on day 1, and then give it someone else who does the same on day 2. Say this pattern continues - in just three weeks there would be over a MILLION copies of this one disk. Again, who needs TV and radio networks? We can easily make our own! Why spend a million dollars to put a radio broadcasting tower and studio in, say, rural Nebraska, when a cheap stack of disks and a computer can accomplish the same thing?
I encourage everyone to visit the
Creative Commons site. A disk network requires content that can be freely distributed, like Bev Harris and Plan9 are doing with the BBV book, and CC is the best place to start. If you are a photographer, filmmaker, writer, or musician, please consider what contribution you can make the commonweal by releasing your works in this manner.