Dem Voters Want Resolution-Supporters, Bush Critics Not Buying Media Script, Recognizing Complexity
A new poll shows a majority of Democratic voters in three early primary states saying they prefer a candidate who originally supported action in Iraq, but who has since criticized Bush's disastrously incompetent handling of the issue.
As we have said many times, it is a Rovian/media whore lie to present an Iraq position like Senator John Kerry's as inconsistent. Those who level that charge, including other Democrats, do so dishonestly, as they fully understand there is no inconsistency in Kerry's Iraq record. Cheap claims otherwise are made in the hope that a segment of Moron-Americans will be convinced. (Claims that Democrats could have defeated the Iraq resolution in 2002 are equally mendacious, as is the claim that Democrats could have avoided losses in that election had Senator Kerry and others taken a stronger stand against an Iraq invasion.)
The fact is, the views of most Americans have evolved significantly on the issue in terms of support for the war, and how the Unelected Fraud handled it. A vast majority, including significant numbers of Democrats, gave the Bush Regime the benefit of the doubt on Iraq, but eventually began to recognize later the "war" was based on lies and deceit, and had been badly mishandled to the detriment of American status and security.
Regardless of how aggressively the media whores attempt to sell the myth of support for action in Iraq later followed by criticism of the White House Squatter as a Democratic "liability" - especially for the Democratic primaries - the majority of Americans at large and Democrats will not only continue to understand that position, but, as the poll shows, support it above others.
(Link to Poll)