I like Novak's read that Michigan and Pennsylvania are "not at all promising" for Bush while red states like Florida, Ohio and West Virginia are "most vulnerable to going the other way next year
http://www.suntimes.com/output/novak/cst-edt-novak23.htmlWith nothing going well in Foriegn policy or the economy, only social values can save Bush - and this was noted by the Hartford Courant's David Lightman's "President Bush needs the ban on late-term abortions for his political survival."
After seeing Haig on Fox dumping on General Clark - and then doing so again on CNBC and MSNBC - the Clark folks are putting out Clark's military records, which contained praise from the likes of Al Haig and Colin Powell. Will Tweety and Tim note the Haig lies they have already broadcast in some future talking head show - thereby bringing into question just how much of a Bush Media Whore they are? I don't think so. They are 100% what they are.
And in the NY Times we find the Rumsfeld idea of a new national security institution is an ideal Bush Accountability idea "When everybody is responsible, nobody is accountable.", as the NYT quotes an administration official.
Now how will the broadcast media spin the above - they might only use today's Peter Hart and GOP pollster Robert Teeter dump on the Dem 9 where Hart/Teeter say folks hate Bush polices but continue to have confidence in his personal qualities which may elect him in 04: - - "though Bush hasn't closed the sale for a second term, his Democratic rivals have barely mustered a decent pitch of their own."
http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/news/7079353.htm I suspect they will just ignore everything except perhaps a "new" Bush Speech - they do not want use story selection or comments to shape or make the news - they only report the news.
Our "we are not controlled by the right wing GOP - we just act that way" media.