When George Bush held one of his rare press conferences the other day, we were reminded once again that such exercises are few and far between in this administration.
We are supposed to regard this as a shortcoming. Instead we should be grateful. We do not need any more reminders that the occupant of the Oval Office is an arrogant frat boy.
He may not be able to master a compound sentence without looking at notes, but he is no slouch when it comes to putting down those he considers his social inferiors, in this case the flower of American journalism, a.k.a the Washington press corps.
Make no mistake, this is not an expresion of sympathy for those people. Taken in by the phony affability and easy accessibility of candidate Bush, they helped elect him with their kid-glove, often fawning coverage. Now they are paying for it, and it would be fun to watch except for the fact that the whole world is watching and wondering how a country that has produced presidents such as Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, two Roosevelts, an Eisenhower and a Truman could come to this sorry pass.