cut to the chase and just refer to them as Time-Warner, Murdoch, and GE/Microsoft. Because we mostly observe and are attacked from the WH through their 24/7 hour long shows with damaging propaganda while ABC and CBS do not operate those hour long shows 24/7, we usually don't mention ABC and CBS as often. Also, because ABC and CBS have so many parent owners, I can't remember all of them when I write these posts - Disney is right at the top of the owners of ABC.
I do whatever I can to remind people that we are victims of corporate entertaining news partners of the right wing party leaders. There are no messages coming from them that are good for this country or the world (with the exception of Countdown which has its own exceptions).
These programs are loaded down with court jesters and bimbos who don't seem to have any idea what they are doing to the people of this country when they take orders from their Directors, who take their orders from the Ailes level, who take their orders from the WHite House. RNC, Boards of Directors connected to war profiteers and people controllers, stockholders, plus foundation partners with an agenda to control common folk and own the earth resources. The stockholders of these companies hold a lot of blood on their hands.
They have abandoned all principles of journalism as was intended by the founders of the country. They are more insiduous than the USSR in the worst years of Communist rule - because they pass themselves off as news bringers in a democracy. They abandoned independent owndership. They are now completely owned by corporations. Most in this cluntry are clueless.
Never in our nation have we had to rely on our own efforts to find out what is really going on in this country and the world.
Their partnerships with the right wing is up front for everyone to see - the assistance they gave to the right wing to bring Clinton down - the ridicule they throw at all Dem leaders - the absence of coverage of what Dems are trying to do - limitng talk show guests to DLC members (who are nearly worthliess, imo) - getting rid of the Donahues - everything they do and don't do and the attacks they orchestrate and facilitate are insiduous and cannot be called journalism.
The propaganda given to us under this pretense is one of the things that makes me feel hopeless at times. I try to get others to see what is going on. I constantly run in to people who say - but isn't CNN supposed to be liberal (or substitute NBC or ABC) - educated people ask me that! Unbelievable! It means they are winning.
I regret that a huge chunk of our citizens have never heard of Democracy Now, don't know how to get it and have never heard of FSTV and LINK.
The structure behind a long haried bimbo or a clueless jester on the screen is unbelievable - the wealthiest people in the world are guiding those bimbos and jesters to make us stupid and keep us stupid.
Staying out of their way and not working to counter it is to slip into a fog of their design.
I rant against this all the time. Now you know. I consider CNN, FOX, and the NBCs the worst because of their dedication and their presence in airports, bars, and their hour long shows with manipulated news and anti-democracy filth.