We all knew Martin was going to do this
Posted by lyonn
Now, how do we turn this sh@t around? Course, what are the "paper rags" really worth now days? They are hurting from what I gather. TV media not far behind. Why is MSNBC leaning a wee bit to the left now days? CNN and Wolf are so obvious in their backing of our present administration.
We all knew Martin was going to do thisYes we did know this, but we are not lawless; Republicans are. So we allowed the process to finish before we make up our minds.
Course, what are the "paper rags" really worth now days?If they do their job of proper journalism and investigate things, they will be more of a hindrance to their corporate bosses. If they do what they're
told to do by their corporate bosses, they are invaluable to controlling local opinion.
Why is MSNBC leaning a wee bit to the left now days? CNN and Wolf are so obvious in their backing of our present administration.I haven't been following the ratings much, but from what I understand, MSNBC is following the money. Olbermann's show is succeeding in the marketplace of ideas and so, just like any good capitalist, MSNBC is going with a winning strategy.
Now, how do we turn this sh@t around?This is going to be hard. The industry is hurtling toward all-digital, all-HD, all-satellite. This is essentially what the writers are striking about. (
And, oddly enough, Republican strategy for a long time.
They have bastardized the word "reform" and (even though I haven't read it yet, what I think Naomi Klein's book,
"Shock Doctrine" (
http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?z=y&EAN=9780805079838&itm=1) is all about).
Republicans have done this to many industries:
* banking (Check 21 (
* the mortgage mess (which I believe someone said Clinton did, so nevermind, not)
* Clean Skies (and every environmental "reform" they've pulled)
* torture
I am sure there are more, but I can't think of them all right now.
But with each "reform" they've pulled the same crap:
* proclaim a problem
* offer the solution
* pass the legislation to change the proven regulations
* reveal the small print of the new law through creative interpretation
Now, back to your question,
what can we do. Having watched Republicans for many years, I have learned a few things about the way they operate:
* they only want to win
* they don't care about the law as long as they win
So, first thing we do is rescind the FCC decision. Since it was passed by a Republican, it has to be illegal (
http://wikiality.com/Nixo_facto). Oh, and while we are rolling back stuff, kick Murdoch and his non-American ass out of our country. When he was running FOX as a foreigner, he was breaking the law.
Secondly: stack the FCC with people from the EFF, or people they recommend. The airwaves belong to the people, make the corporations follow rules created by their enemies.
Third, have an ethical and trusted person (Kucinich?) go through all regulations for "new media" with a fine tooth comb and rollback or end anything that will or might give them rights they didn't have before.
Fourth: threaten the corporations with
real fines that increase exponentially every day they refuse to comply. Add to this threat the threat of eminent domain. If they refuse to follow the law, they lose. Make all their channels go dark and stop the presses while they fight in the courts.
Fifth: bring local control back to the media. Once every channel goes satellite, it will be too easy to lose the local radio station, the local paper and local content--and too hard to bring it back. Individuals will be effectively priced out of the information market. The internets are nice and all, but nothing will replace a local radio station for urgent emergency information.
(EDIT) How can I be so forgetful? Bring back Fairness Doctrine, and some regulatory balls to enforce it.(END EDIT)
Now those suggestions are what I would like to see the FCC do. What we as citizens can do is:
1. do not elect another Republican, they've had their chance and they've shown us time and again they cannot be trusted
2. boycott satellite everything
3. support your local media (even if it is corporate owned) do not let them take it away, shut it down or close it
4. end the state franchise laws push (
http://saveaccess.org/node/1323) They've already done it in Texas and that should tell you everything you need to know (it screws the consumer over).
That's all I got right now. Please add your own stuff to it.