As the November election comes near, I challenge DU to help reframe the abortion debate.
1. Calling pro-choice people "pro-abortion" has to stop. Every time you see or hear the words "pro-abortion" in the media, write, call, email them and tell them, "no one is 'pro-abortion'." No one is dancing in the street or having parties celebrating abortions. People don't use abortion as a first line birth control. It's a last resort.
2. Don't let people say they are "pro-life" without challenging them, "are you against the death penalty, are you for prenatal care, SCHIP, contraception education, are you for the war in Iraq. You can't be "pro-life" and be for the war and the death penalty. What what would say is you're anti-abortion, which is fine.
3. There is non "pro-abortion" lobby. The lobby is for reproductive rights, women's rights, and human rights. Don't let the media and the radical right call you "pro-abortion."
4. Challenge any anti-abortion male to a debate. Why the hell should they decide what a woman can do with her body, or any women for that matter.
5. Ask the anti-choice crowd what they will do to help children be born safely. Who's going to pay for a safe birth, and if they are willing to raise funds for prenatal care and education for the children that are born.
I use the terms anti-choice or pro-fetus (if I'm really ticked off).
How can the debate be reframed to address the reality of abortion in America and the world. If you are anti-abortion, what will you do to reduce abortions? Additionally, abstinence only education isn't working.
Tex Shelters