Standard Operating Procedure ...
Rating: R for language and disturbing images and content involving torture and graphic nudity
Opens Friday in New York
By Claudia Puig, USA TODAY
... The biggest question raised in this haunting and troubling documentary by Oscar-winning filmmaker Errol Morris is whether the dehumanizing treatment inflicted upon prisoners was a crime by "a few bad apples" or standard operating procedure. According to just about everyone interviewed, it was the latter.
Morris spoke with five of the seven indicted soldiers. He integrates the visuals, some of which are much more graphic than those seen in the media, with the soldiers' recollections of what was going on outside the frame.
Interviews reveal a casual, even flip attitude. A few are contrite, several are bitter. One speaks of a general telling them not to be afraid "to treat prisoners like dogs." Others try to put in context what seems inexplicable ...
Standard Operating Procedure's subject matter, and what it says about the war in Iraq, is eye-opening. It may be the most disturbing film you'll see in a long time.