23/6: Maureen Dowd: The Reader's Guide
About to pounce on the important issues.
....1. Dowd entitled her column "Raspberry for Barry." Why did she do this?
Answer: "Barry" was a nickname for Barack Obama when he was younger. It is often used by right-wingers, racists, and xenophobes to imply that because Obama, as an adult, decided to go by "Barack" instead of his childhood nickname, he is somehow trying to "pass" as black and is not as in touch with what it is to be black as, for instance, Maureen Dowd, right-wingers, racists and xenophobes. They are justified in this because, obviously, everyone in adulthood goes by their childhood nicknames except inauthentic people who hate America.
Also, Dowd chose "raspberry" because Obama lost in West Virginia, and "raspberry" and "Barry" rhyme. Rhymes like this are extremely funny and satisfying and are considered the hallmark of very good writers.
2. Dowd says that Hillary Clinton was "mining" antipathy. Why did she use this word?
Answer: Because West Virginia is noted for it mining industry. So because West Virginia is under discussion, Dowd says that Clinton was "mining." In the writing profession this is known as "sparkling wordplay." (c.f. Dorothy Parker and S.J. Perlman.)
3. True or False: in paragraph three, Dowd's use of "John McBush" is hilarious.
Answer: True.
4. In paragraph four, why does Dowd say that "Obama is acting the diffident debutante?"
a) It is highly enjoyable to read two words in a row that begin with the same letter.
b) The conventional wisdom take on Obama by members of the Washington media is that he is, unlike them, an elite.
c) It is considered good writing to adopt the conventional wisdom take and repeat it unquestioningly.
d) In the run up to every general election, Maureen Dowd will imply that the Democratic nominee is effeminate, and thereby help to elect the GOP nominee whose claims to be tough she will credulously believe, and only roughly 18 months into the latter's administration will she realize that the election was, in fact, more than just a proxy for her sexual fantasies, and then she will begin attacking the Republican president, leading liberals who don't read her enough to believe that "Maureen Dowd is great!"
Answer: all of the above.
5. In paragraph six, Dowd writes: "Obama may have started the primary season with an inspiring win in 94-percent-white Iowa, but he is winding it up with a resounding loss in 94-percent-white West Virginia."
What is device called?
a) Antiphon
b) Insight
c) Sing-song
d) Analysis
Answer: a) and c)
6. What does this paragraph mean?
Answer: nothing....