Raleigh News-Observer: Divided we stand
By J. Peder Zane, Staff Writer
....(R)esearchers and writers examining our nation's splintering soul have found new fissures in the psyche of our body politic. Much more than in the past, they say, Americans are receding into separate worlds in which they hold increasingly different notions of what is real and what is not.
What role does a fact play?
On issues ranging from global warming and evolution to the war in Iraq, we are not just coming to different conclusions about the same set of facts, but are arguing over what exactly is and is not a fact. Hot-button issues have become Rorschach blots -- some of us see a bird, others a frog; few seem willing to admit that they might be both....
...Salon.com writer Farhad Manjoo pursues this line of thought in his new book, "True Enough: Learning to Live in a Post-Fact Society." He argues that the highly partisan nature of so many political Web sites, cable TV shows and talk radio programs means Americans can now choose to listen only to voices they agree with. In the Rush Limbaugh/Keith Olbermann echo chamber, fact and opinion merge into a highly charged mess.
"No longer are we merely holding opinions different from one another; we're also holding different facts," Manjoo writes. "Increasingly, our arguments aren't over what we should be doing -- in the Iraq war, in the war on terrorism, on global warming, or about any number of controversial subjects -- but instead over what is happening."
In this mind-set, we don't seek information to expand our view of the world but seize on facts and opinions that confirm our biases....