Right Wing pundits generally fall into 4 categories. Greedy Bastards Racist and Sexist Scumbags GOP Talking Point Pitchmen (AKA Parrots, BKA Media Plants) Some combination of all 4. For discussion sake, I am going to make a short list of the current "worst" Media Matters, Newshounds, and some of your postings will be my reference points. *WARNING* If you are sitting down drinking a beverage or if you anger easily, you might want to skip this thread. If you're not used to this amount of bile, it will be difficult to avoid spilling/spitting your drink or punching out your monitor. A) Ann Coulter Best-selling (I call BS on this) author who famously defended apartheid and argued (poorly) with Elizabeth Edwards on Hardballhttp://mediamatters.org/items/200804030010>Quote: If characters from "The Hills" were to emote about race, I imagine it would sound like B. Hussein Obama's autobiography, "Dreams From My Father." Has anybody read this book? Inasmuch as the book reveals Obama to be a flabbergasting lunatic, I gather the answer is no. Obama is about to be our next president: You might want to take a peek. If only people had read "Mein Kampf" ...
B) Neil Boortz Obnoxious radio personality. Known radio bigot of The Neil Boortz Show. http://mediamatters.org/items/200802010015>Quote:But I am fed up with this conventional wisdom that Katrina and the disaster that followed was George Bush's fault. It was not. The primary blame goes on the worthless parasites who lived in New Orleans who you -- couldn't even wipe themselves, let alone get out of the way of the water when that levee broke.
C) Bill O'Reilly (Falafel lover)
GOP parrot. Hates anyone who doesn't agree with him 100% of the time. Fighting and losing a ratings war with Keith Olbermann. http://www.newshounds.us/2008/02/20/oreilly_doesnt_want_to_go_on_a_lynching_party_against_michelle_obama_unless.php#more>Quote: Bill O'Reilly has suggested he would go on a "lynching party" against Michelle Obama if he determines that "there's evidence, hard facts, that say this is how the woman really feels, If that's how she really feels -- that America is a bad country or a flawed nation, whatever -- then that's legit. We'll track it down."
D) Rush Limbaugh GOP Parrot, bigot, sexist, etc. The self-anointed king of hate radio. "Operation Chaos" an attempt by him to manipulate the Democratic Primary but wound up costing the GOP at least a few House seats (MS). http://journals.democraticunderground.com/top10/334>Quote: Talk show host Rush Limbaugh is sparking controversy again after he made comments calling for riots in Denver during the Democratic National Convention this summer. He said the riots would ensure a Democrat is not elected as president, and his listeners have a responsibility to make sure it happens. "Riots in Denver, the Democrat Convention would see to it that we don't elect Democrats," Limbaugh said during Wednesday's radio broadcast. He then went on to say that's the best thing that could happen to the country. Limbaugh said with massive riots in Denver, which he called "Operation Chaos," the people on the far left would look bad. http://mediamatters.org/items/200710160001>Bonus quote:I've had journalists tell me this. "Well, we're journalists." Why are you immune? Why are you immune to the same kind of destructive reporting and behavior that you dish out? You know, we have practiced -- I've practiced it once. I am not going to tell you the story because I'm don't want to give it away, and I would have to mention names, and I'm not going to mention names. But there was a cover story on me coming out of one of the big news magazines, and it was going to totally mischaracterize me and what I do and how I do it. And we found out who was writing it and made a couple phone calls to the person writing it. And we said, "You know what? We're going to find out where your kids go to school. We're going to find out who you knocked up in high school. We're going to find out what drugs you used. We're going to find out where you go to drink and do -- we're gonna find out how you paid for your house. We're going to do -- and we're going to do exact -- and we're going to say that, you know what? You are no different than Al Goldstein. You both masturbate.
E) Glenn Beck Self-styled Libertarian (Yeah, right) and smear merchant/repeater. Tries and fails to debate against Global Climate change Known alcoholic and had failed butt surgery. http://mediamatters.org/items/200801230006>Quote:Summary: Responding to guest Jeff Frankel's statement that "ll the past tax cuts have gone primarily to the rich, and I think it's -- it is time to give some of it to lower-income, working Americans," Glenn Beck said, "Nice of you to join us, Stalin. I mean, that is the redistribution of wealth!" This is not the first time Beck has invoked the Soviet Union in characterizing policies or people with whom he disagrees.
F) Sean Hannity (AKA Klannity) [/img> GOP Sycophant, smear merchant, and parrot. Has a radio (ugh) and a TV show (double ugh) Allied with a known bigot, Hal Turner. http://www.newshounds.us/2008/03/20/hannity_denies_past_association_with_white_supremacist_but_evidence_suggests_otherwise.php In this link, he tried to deny it while arguing with a Black Panther. http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=132x5518957> Busted by Democratic Underground for feeding attacks to George Stephanopoulos to use in the ABC Debate; specifically the Ayers questions.
G) William Kristol
GOP parrot, responsible for ruining the New York Times, can't research worth crap so gets caught lying a LOT. http://mediamatters.org/items/200802030002>Quote:"White women are a problem, that's, you know -- we all live with that"
H) Don Imus
Notorious bigot and all-around jerk. Banned from TV and almost from radio for the 'nappy-headed ho's' incident. Still hasn't learned his lesson. http://mediamatters.org/items/200803070009>Quotes:IMUS: Oh, but she ran against a car salesman. She ran against a -- she ran against some real estate loser. I live in Manhattan. I had to vote in that election. COLMES: What? Rick Lazio? IMUS: It was a sympathy vote. She came here, everybody felt sorry for her 'cause her fat --COLMES: If she -- how did she -- why did she get re-elected? IMUS: 'Cause her fat, stupid husband was getting BJs from the poor little intern there in the Oval Office. COLMES: You know, I'm starting to get the sense you don't like the Clintons.
I) Dick Morris
Used to work for Clinton. Now works for Satan. And Satan's news agency, FOX Noise Channel. http://journals.democraticunderground.com/top10/290Quote:I think that withdrawal from Iraq - it obviously gives al Qaeda a huge victory. Huge victory. On the other hand, if we stay in Iraq, it gives them the opportunity to kill more Americans, which they really like.One of the things, though, that I think the antiwar crowd has not considered is that, if we're putting the Americans right within their arms' reach, they don't have to come to Wall Street to kill Americans. They don't have to knock down the trade center. They can do it around the corner, and convenience is a big factor when you're a terrorist.
J) Pat Buchanan
Blatant bigot and once accused of antisemitism. Writes a lot of questionable books and once told a fellow pundit to shut up. So far right he's not even a part of the GOP anymore. http://mediamatters.org/items/200802290021>Quote:"hat did white males do? OK, they were the only guys signing the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, all the dead at Gettysburg, all the dead at Normandy."
K) Michael Savage
The ultimate scumbag. He is so racist, sexist, homophobic, and insane that he is reviled even on the right. http://mediamatters.org/items/200804010007> Quote: On his radio show, Michael Savage stated, "Cops are getting knocked off all over the country because of the rules of engagement, written primarily by the scummiest class in America, the vermin of vermin, which are the left-wing lawyers who should be put in Abu Ghraib with hoods over their head, as far as I'm concerned." He then stated: "If I had the power by executive order, I would round up every member of the ACLU and of the National Lawyers Guild, and I'd put them in a prison in Guantánamo and I'd throw the key away." http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=389&topic_id=3494222&mesg_id=3494222>Bonus DU quote: Yeah, that’s why they had a pipe bomb and their lawyer said they were firecrackers. I tell you, I’d hang the lawyer. If I ran this country, I’d hang the lawyer. I would try her for aiding and abetting terrorism — I’d hang her and I’d hang every lawyer who went down to Guantánamo to defend those murderers.
Pick your favorite for the worst. I'd post more, but this lot is so vile that I need to stop and take a long bath to leech out the right-wing bile I had to wade thru to post this.