Media Matters for America: Responding to critics, Dowd reportedly falsely claimed "nobody had objected to her use of" gender stereotypes "about men"
In a June 22 column responding to criticism of New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd's frequent use of gender stereotypes, Times public editor Clark Hoyt wrote: "'I've been twisting gender stereotypes around for 24 years,' Dowd responded. She said nobody had objected to her use of similar images about men over seven presidential campaigns." But contrary to Dowd's reported claim, in naming her for its 2008 Media Hall of Shame, the National Organization for Women noted, "She has also used feminine nicknames in a derogatory way for both Barack Obama and John Edwards."
Indeed, Media Matters for America has noted Dowd's characterization of Obama and his campaign as seemingly "effete," and her comparison of Obama to Scarlett O'Hara. In addition, Media Matters has noted Dowd's frequent use of the phrase "Breck Girl" to describe Edwards, beginning with a March 2004 column.
Others besides Media Matters and NOW have noted examples of Dowd feminizing male Democratic presidential candidates. Bob Somerby, editor of the Web site The Daily Howler, noted in a March 5, 2007, column Dowd's repeated use of "Breck Girl" to describe Edwards, her use of "Scarlett O'Hara" to describe Obama, and her description of Al Gore as "so feminized...he's practically lactating"....
Somerby on February 6 also criticized Dowd's "sick, endless need to 'feminize' Barack Obama," and has also criticized Dowd for feminizing Gore by forwarding the discredited story line that Naomi Wolf, Gore's consultant in 2000, told him that he had to become an "alpha male."
Also noting Dowd's use of gender stereotypes to discuss male candidates:
In a May 14 blog post, Columbia Journalism Review writer Liz Cox Barrett noted, "Back in March, Dowd's Obama was 'effete.' Today, she goes for something more vivid, likening him to a 'diffident debutante,'" as the blog No More Mister Nice Blog noted following Hoyt's June 22 column....