TV Newser: "It Would Make it More Interesting if Bill Was on And Did It Live"
It was MSNBC's turn at the (Television Critics Association Monday), which has become a hot spot for media stories the past couple of weeks.
Matea Gold of the Los Angeles Times writes about NBC News president Steve Capus' response to questions about the dual role of MSNBC's primary team of Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann. "The audience gets it, and that's the single biggest factor that I see," said Capus. "I think their work speaks for itself."
Olbermann asserted that (Fox News Channel) did the same thing with their primary coverage, where Sean Hannity, Alan Colmes and Bill O'Reilly "were on for lengths of time." (The FNC personalities never served as anchors of coverage, just as commentators.)
Olbermann was asked if FNC was missing an opportunity by not having O'Reilly on during primary nights. "It would make it more interesting if Bill was on and did it live," he said. "Let's just leave it there."
The Countdown host was asked how his show would change if Sen. Barack Obama is elected President. Broadcasting & Cable's Marisa Guthrie writes about the Obama-related Q&A. "Fairness demands that whatever administration takes office in January gets, if not the same kind of vitriol, the same kind of vetting," Olbermann said. "I am hopeful that whoever takes office, we will never have to go through anything like this."...