Check this out. It's excellent. WEEK WITH GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS
Okay, the bitter taste of waking up to Fox News Sunday has passed. Now it's time for THIS WEEK, which is more of a nougaty helplessness.
Here's good stuff from Jonathan Alter:
In the middle of John McCain's dopey Britney & Paris attack ad, the announcer gravely asks of Barack Obama: "Is He Ready to Lead?" An equally good question is whether McCain is ready to lead. For a man who will turn 72 this month, he's a surprisingly immature politician--erratic, impulsive and subject to peer pressure from the last knucklehead who offers him advice. The youthful insouciance that for many years has helped McCain charm reporters like me is now channeled into an ad that one GOP strategist labeled "juvenile," another termed "childish" and McCain's own mother called "stupid." The Obama campaign's new mantra is that McCain is "an honorable man running a dishonorable campaign." Lame is more like it. And out of sync with the real guy.
Read more here.
Nancy Pelosi joins George and UGH MY GOD...I hate when people in the media talk about "straight up or down votes." Whenever I hear that, I feel like I'm going to get misled, perhaps unintentionally, by people who oversimplify the governmental process. "We have a debate every single day about this," Pelosi corrects, saying that this week was "the war dance of the handmaidens of the oil industry." I admire the pleasing, yet sarcastic, imagery of that metaphor! That's probably the most brain-pleasing sentence I have ever heard on a Sunday morning.
Anyway, Pelosi knows that the score is that she has a responsibility to not mislead the American people on a measure that will neither lower the price of gas or lessen our dependence on oil. Stephanopoulos harangues and harangues on the process, but he's being fatuous - when he was in the White House, he hung the Congressional Democrats out to dry enough times to know how the world works.
Pelosi continues to offer compelling reasons why she's not allowing the vote - briefly stepping to the high-faluting "save the world" rhetoric that I don't think serves the purpose well - but she finishes up with an involved explanation about the existing permits that aren't being used, the lack of will at the White House behind a cogent energy plan, and the fact that price drops would be a decade away in the McCain plan.
.. more at link