Live Fridays through the rest of the election season. really want to "ask a question" like the website suggests, but there are so many hoops to go through.
From what I can tell, I'm supposed to login to the "Overtime" forum, found here: I did, it says my email was already activated, and when I had it send me my password, it sent me a file called "noname". When I clicked Open, after having to download it to my computer, I had to choose which application to open it with, but the email that came with it was completely blank, with a title that says "here is the information you requested". Do they want us to submit questions or not.
I think I have a really good one. I honestly think it might even get on the air.
And, if it did, it might change the whole election!
If it doesn't get on the air, though, that's the way it will be. And I will just keep trying in other ways.
Thank you.