Approval rating for Palin tumbles among Alaskans
Source: Anchorage Daily News's take on that and the huge disparity of coverage of Palin and Biden :eyes:
Getting through the night with no major missteps, that is one of the goals for both vice presidential candidates during tomorrow night's debate.
CNN's Lisa Sylvester looks at whether Palin's gaffs are getting more media attention than Biden's.
LISA SYLVESTER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): There's been plenty of blunders on the campaign trail. This one from Senate Joe Biden.
SEN. JOE BIDEN, (D), VICE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on television didn't just talk about the about the, you know, the princes of greed.
SYLVESTER: Wrong. Franklin Roosevelt wasn't the president during the stock market crash. Herbert Hoover was. And in 1929 Americans didn't watch TV. They listened to radio. Here is another one. Biden sounds like he's going to take down his own running mate.
BIDEN: I guarantee you Barack Obama ain't taking my shot guns. Don't buy that malarkey. They're going to start peddling that to you. I got two. If he tries to fool with my Berretta he's got a problem.
SYLVESTER: Senator Biden's gaffs fly under the radar of mainstream media. But "Washington Post" and CNN media critic Howard Kurtz says Governor Sarah Palin's seem to be magnified.
HOWARD KURTZ, HOST, "RELIABLE SOURCES": There's a tremendous disparity between the coverage that Joe Biden and Sarah Palin are getting. When Biden makes a mistake it is nowhere the big story that's endlessly repeated the way it is when Governor Palin does so.
SYLVESTER: "Newsweek" editor and CNN analyst Fareed Zakaria wrote a sharply word editorial that Palin wasn't ready to be vice president. A point he reiterated on CNN.
FAREED ZAKARIA, HOST, "FAREED ZAKARIA GPS": It's not she doesn't know the right answer. It is that she clearly does not understand the question.
SYLVESTER: But Palin's defenders say the liberal, elite media is being plain nasty.
And Sara Palin's approval rating as Alaska's governor is a strong 68 percent because she has something that counts with voters.
BRIAN DARLING, HERITAGE FOUNDATION: If you look at Sarah Palin, she's not a career legislator. She's a real person who got involved in politics, and I think most Americans look at her and can more identify with Sarah Palin than any of the other candidates running for federal office.
SYLVESTER (on camera): Sarah Palin said quite confidently that she's not only ready but willing and able to serve as vice president. She has a message that resonates with voters. Keep in mind, as governor of Alaska, she actually has more executive experience than any of the other candidates in this race.
Lisa Sylvester, CNN, Washington.