Death by 1000 Papercuts has a great point about those CNN graphics gimmicks:
"It’s Entertainment; not Polling"
Still wonder what-the-heck those squiggly lines are at the bottom of your CNN screen during the Presidential debates?
David W. Moore, the author of The Opinion Makers: An Insider Exposes The Truth Behind The Polls, and former senior editor at the Gallup Poll for thirteen years will tell you the folly of this pseudo-science.
Mr. Moore lampoons CNNs use of live Audience Reaction Meters during the Presidential debates as junk science. He tells you where the 25-year-old hand meter technology came from and how it’s used in the debates, is completely counter to the concept of focus groups. He writes, are designed to obtain in-depth responses from the participants, who actually discuss the issues with each other and arrive at more considered views than what polls normally measure.
Moore argues that CNN has presented a 32 member groups reactions to candidates comments (shown in squiggly lines <0-100 with 0 equaling bad and 100, good>) as representative of American without one scintilla of scientific basis.
Should Americans really care what 32 people from Ohio think?
What a silly idea.