No picture on the hard copy of the paper. Clinton gets second billing on side-by-side articles
GOP playing catch-up with ground operation | Obama is best for U.S., Bill Clinton says at VCU picture that DID appear on the on-line version of the paper was Clinton with outstretched arms under a BREAKING NEWS story about a rape suspect
Yesterday Palin appears at the NASCAR track (RIR) and this is the headline (with color photo of Palin touching the chin of a person with Downs syndrome)
Just below (partly above the fold) the headline "Dow Leaps 936 points on aid to U.S. banks"
"Paline wows the crowd at RIR" below the Palin story is BREAKING NEWS on McCain's speech at Va. Beach
"They forgot to let you decide" reads the headline
Here is what he said (basically the same speech) in Wilmington NC
McCain "My friends, WE'VE GOT'EM JUST WHERE WE WANT'EM!" are these people going to be surprised in three weeks.