December 4, 2008
Chicago Tribune
For reporting that is an embarrassment to the profession of journalism, and for being beholden to corporate paymasters rather than the citizens of America
... Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1961 ... The latest accusations against Obama's supposed non-citizenry comes from Robert L. Schulz and the We The People Foundation.
... the Chicago Tribune, the highest-circulation paper in Obama's hometown, decided in its inherent need for publicity and/or money to run a full-page ad from the organization on December 1 and again on December 3, 2008.
The Tribune ran an article refuting every single major point made in the ad, yet "a Tribune advertising spokesman said the newspaper has standards for what ads it will accept and that the ad met those standards."
Then what are those standards? The group running the ad has the money to pay for it? ...