On NPR's Morning Edition today, Cokie Roberts--the whore of the Potomac--reported information that she obtained at an exclusive party at the Rumsfelds' house on Saturday night. They apparently got her up to date on all of the White House angles on how to report the Saddam capture story and a string of data on Mr. President's approval ratings. Tim Russert also got to go to that party to get nice things for him to report.
My question is: which reporters "make the grade" and get such exclusive access to the White House? Who was at that party? It is obvious that the only thing that Bush is really good at is controlling information and keeping reporters away from the real information that the public needs to know. With Cokie being allowed into that "inner circle", does that not compromise her objectivity as a reporter? Or maybe she is not so much a reporter as a "stenographer to the white house".
Oh, let us not forget Cokie's all important reporting of Rummy himself cleaning dog puke off the carpet.