we had two car bombs detonated outside Iraqi police stations in different parts of the city, and we killed 11 attackers after coming under attack in Samarra, and we had civil resistance on the streets in Ramadi, where we killed three protesters and wounded two more, after up to 750 people rallied in a show of support for Saddam, with some of the 750 firing guns, wounding one US soldier, plus we had the Pro-Saddam demonstrations in several Iraqi towns, with 700 people rallied in Tikrit where a roadside bomb wounded three U.S. soldiers Tuesday and in Baghdad we had police who fired into the air to disperse hundreds of people chanting: "We want Saddam back."
Then in Falluja, U.S. troops killed an Iraqi Tuesday, who they said had fired a grenade at them after they broke up a second day of riots protesting against Saddam's humiliating capture, and we had rioters who swarmed toward the U.S.-appointed mayor's office, forcing local police to retreat before troops moved in.
Meanwhile America's top soldier, Gen. Richard Myers, in Baghdad, said the capture would hurt the anti-U.S. insurgency but that U.S. forces would stay on for a couple of years at least.
And Rove thinks our media does not self-censor enough - does not kill enough stories that might make folks think Bush is not in control or Bush decisions were not the best ever made?