"April 13, 2009 - The Department of Veterans Affairs is conducting an official review of why its workers confiscated the equipment of and detained WAMU reporter David Schultz after he spoke to a vet at a public meeting.
VA Secretary Eric Shinseki has ordered a top to bottom review of last week's incident in which VA guards confiscated the equipment of and detained WAMU 88.5 reporter David Schultz. The incident happened when Schultz tried to interview a veteran at a town hall meeting at D.C.'s VA hospital. The VA agreed late Friday to return the device to WAMU without any conditions attached for its use."
But note: why do these incidents happen, and THEN are rectified? What is it about our government's respect for law
and the Constitution that is so lacking that these confiscations and detainments happen in the first place? It's because
government officials and police and 'private security guards' believe that such incidents send a message---and they
are right.