Syndicated by Premiere Radio Networks: Rushbo's employer. It's a hoot, IMO.
Rushbo water carriers' heads spin as they try to make sense of the deal. For ex: Brian Maloney (radioequalizer blog) appears bewildered that Premiere evidently thinks there is an audience worth attracting and hires Rhodes. To fit it into the wingers' historic meme that there is no audience for lib talk, Maloney is spinning like a top. I won't link but der Googles will provide his blog to anyone who's interested.
Hint: For Premiere it's about "bidness," about bringing in an audience/market that for years RW'ers have insisted doesn't exist.
Premiere is a subsidiary of Clear Channel. It's primarily known for its RW talkers, but it does have other programs. Randi previously worked for Clear Channel's WJNO in Florida and it was her home station after AAR. Some CC channels in major markets that host progressive talk have been quite supportive throughout her days with AAR and Nova M. Remains to be seen, of course, if Premiere will actually also put her on stations with decent signal strength and really market her show.
I know she's not to everyone's taste. But there are a number of progressive talkers' programs I don't much care for but I still think they should be available on the air, whether I listen to them or not.
From Radio & Records:
"R&R has learned that progressive talker Randi Rhodes has will be joining Premiere Radio Networks weekdays from 3-6 p.m. starting May 11. The show will originate from Washington, D.C. and launches with more than 25 affiliates, including Clear Channel progressive talk outlets KTLK/Los Angeles; KKGN/San Francisco; and KPOJ/Portland, Ore." What Premiere says: "'Randi has carved a niche in talk radio with her straight-forward approach, intelligence, wit, and fact-driven content -- qualities that attract audiences,' said Premiere EVP/Affiliate Marketing Julie Talbott. "We can't wait to deliver The Randi Rhodes Show to stations nationwide." There's another quote from Premiere somewhere about expanding their market, but I can't find it again at the moment.
Anyway, for those who don't already know, there it is.