by egrass
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Wed May 27, 2009 at 01:47:02 AM PDT
The Washington Post, and other major news outlets, have a variety of stories that, to my review, FALSELY describe the Burris transcript as proving that the "promised" or "agreed" to write a check to Blago in return for Obama's vacated Senate seat.
Look, I am no fan of Burris. I'd like to see him go for various reasons, and I don't think he was as clear as he could or should have been in his various statements. But the transcript that was released seems to back his version of events.
And as much as I don't like Burris, I hate badly sourced hatchet jobs even more.
I analyze the transcript below, provide a link to the full transcript, and suggest you form your own opinion even though the Post doesn't want you to think for yourself ...