and still no coverage, or mention, of the Sibel Edmond's
testimony. This subpoenaed testimony has the potential to
expose espionage, bribery of our congress people, complete
(planned?) failures of our "intelligence community"
and many "strange" facts around Americas failure
(planned?) to prevent the attacks of 9-11 or warn its
citizenry. Throw in foreign state blackmail of our congress
people and nuclear secrets treason, and you can realize the
possible implications to our government and our world
political process. Even our Democratic DOJ threatened to gag
Sibel's testimony. They, at the last minute, did not show
up(as promised by them) and refuse to allow her to testify. It
wasn't necessary, the media is (at least) complicit in
"sweeping this information under the rug." I
contacted Olberman, no response, and this testimony is
conspicuous in its absence from programs like DEMOCRACY NOW
and RACHEL MADDOW. How sad that the testimony from an informed
FBI source can be COMPLETELY blacked out by the media and its
elite corporate sonsors...