This memo is widely regarded by many of the top researchers as being faked.
Gary Buell a conspiracy researcher has accmulated a lot of stuff on bogus documents in the case. the ironic thing is Gary fell for Judyth Baker ahhhh well. But his document stuff is pretty cool.
However of course we believe that Ruby was coerced into doing it. But by whom we still don't know.
You see Ruby was compromised on so many levels.
But it looks like Ruby was a 'mob' cutout for the big players.
The big players. Well, ultimately that means the faction of the CIA still loyal to its old master Allen Dulles. Whom it seems was still running the agency though being deposed. McCone really had no clue.
Dulles is widely regarded as the king pin of four or five prominent officials Angelton, Helms and Phillips. Hunt is a funny one he hired Phillips for the Guatemala job but Phillips rose pretty quickly. I think its because Hunt genuinely loved doing the rough stuff in the field which may have hindered his promotion up the chain and as we know ultimately compromised him.
As for his (Hunts) confession. Well he confirmed that he was in Dallas that day. So thats something.
Yet its widely agreed the Johnson angle is bogus. Thus up to his death he was still lying.
And as staunchly Republican as he was his laying the blame on Johnson the Democrat, whilst protecting his beloved agency would have been a wonderful experience for him. I don't buy much of what St John Hunt says either.
As for Bush we are currently working on a piece dealing with the many inaccuracies inherent in the Bush family angle.
The Bush family didnt really hit their straps until the very late 60's and early 70's. Its naive to say they had no involvement but its utterly untrue to say they organised the Kennedy hit.
Please read the accumulated articles on the CTKA website. It will really help you out.