I was watching this campaign in Massachusetts unfold and found that the media sees it,in my humble opinion, all wrong. It was a campaign kids not a referendum. Coakley let the whole things slip. There was no mandate to the American people. It was a terribly run campaign on the democrats side, by a lady that don't need to worry where her next meal comes from. Brown got out there and hit the streets. Coakley went on hiatus. That was it. No more no less. If the dems want to beat the republicans they're going to have to fight like hell every time. The republicans are working hard to make this a third world country so they can make money on people that are hard up and will work for peanuts. The media needs to stop analyzing and stick to the facts. If they would do that and stop acting like they have all the answers people could just think for themselves. The media sucks. How oftened they get it wrong, which is a lot, should tell us all something.