Mrs. ZBDent was serving jury duty today ... she said that the TV in the waiting area had CNN Headline News on ...
She noticed a story about Patrick Kennedy, but didn't hear the full story ... said he was railing about something (that was the story) ...
but she pointed out that she had seen that he was a "Republican" ... and wondered ... "Wow ... a Kennedy as a Republican?"
I informed her that I didn't see the "story", but I had heard that Patrick Kennedy was in the news. I racked my brain trying to remember which non-Kennedy Kennedy was a Republican of late, running for a Democrat's seat (and trying to play off the Kennedy name, and, like almost every Republicrook, lying his ass off), but I couldn't remember the name.
Anyway, I informed her that, if there was a news item identifying a Kennedy as a "Republican", it wouldn't be the first time that CNN/whomever deliberately tried to save a Republican's ass by "mis-identifying" his party affiliation ... (Mark Foley is a famous example).
My question is ...
Did Headline News "mis"-identify Kennedy at one point this morning? Or was Mrs. ZBDent mistaken?
Thanks ...