Hmmm...let's see here. What are the major issues in the world today?
Could it be the flooding and aftermath in Nashville? An American city and cultural icon lost under water...
Could it be the continued poisoning and destruction of the Gulf of Mexico by an out of control oil leak? We're losing an entire ecosystem for 100 years or possibly forever...
Could it be the financial reform bill that has gained new momentum for tougher regulation and measure againt the banksters? Breaking them into pieces, capping their size and influence and auditing their secret deals with the Fed as "honest" broker...
Well, I'm watching MSNBC right now - you know, that so-called "liberal biased network", the only thing they can talk about for the last 30 minutes is an Emirates Air flight stopped on the runway at JFK....someone on the plane is on the no-fly list.....AHHHH, screen them all again.....ZMOG, ZMOG, ZOMG!!! THE TERRORISTS!!! DON'T LOOK BEHIND THE CURTAINS OF THE OIL INDUSTRY!!! PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN AT THE FED!!! I AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL OZ!!!!
Its freaking surreal already that so many of my fellow Americans have lost their spines in the post-9/11 world. That so many continue to be so afraid of bombs and terrorists that they are willing to forget EVERYTHING else in a moments notice and go a great big noodly as soon as anyone mentions terrorists!
This is NOT to downplay the idea that fighting terrorists is important...but c'mon already! Its NOT more important than the environment. It's NOT more important that the economy! It's NOT more important than regulating the banking industry. It's NOT more important that ecological disasters! GET A GRIP AMERICA! We are taking our eye off the ball AGAIN!!!