(War criminal Colin Powell was the only guest on The View this morning.Probably no protesters,maybe if it was in Dublin or London,not USA, just the howling monkey cheers from the audience and Baba Wawa and her yes girl cohosts)
Did Colin Powell just say that the Bush administration "tried to avoid a war in Iraq"???????
I now officially will never believe another word he says. I forgave him for telling us lies in front of the U.N., because I took it as someone behind the scenes giving him bad information...but even with the information, he is still lying and saying that we couldn't avoid invading Iraq...LIE! LIE! LIE!
Today, 11:50:47 AM
Roger from Ohio
A very telling comment by Colin Powell...
The Afghanistan government is not running the way we need a government to run.
Thats the problem.... we cant control how Afghanistan runs their government
Today, 11:52:35
Why do we think that we need to be the big brother to every other country that doesn't do things the way we do? I know that there are fundamental differences in the way we view freedoms and women's rights and more, but were we invaded before women got the vote? Did another country decide to take over and force us to allow young black children to attend school in the south? Why don't we have troops from Norway shooting at us because we don't allow gay marriage?
Today, 11:54:18 AM
Roger from Ohio
berndoubt.... he is still lying and saying that we couldn't avoid invading Iraq...LIE! LIE! LIE!
Well, he is on a right wing show..... he has to stick to their agenda.
The truth is Bush went into office looking for an excuse to finish daddy's war with Iraq.