Edited on Fri Nov-19-10 09:00 PM by BrendaBrick
It never USED to be like this. I mean, take Walter Cronkite for example. I remember him, though I was pretty young. He reported the news, straight-up, plain and simple. No hype, no spin, no commentary. Covered all the who, what, where, when, whys and how....and left it up to the audience to draw their own conclusions. (aka - NOT insulting or attempting to sway their intelligence.) Just pretty much your basic Journalism 101 stuff. (Back then?)
What in the heck ever happened to that model???????? How did it eventually deteriorate into what it has now become in the US and this younger generation of ours have no idea whatsoever in which to compare it against?
THIS is what really worries me!
Sometimes today I am able to catch Japanese news and Euro news on some obscure cable channel I get which seem to still follow that older code of ethics. Bit boring and dry - well, OK - yeah. But spin? Nope. Not a trace of it.
Is it no darned wonder why so many other countries resent our "Americanization" approach to stuff like this????? (Especially and rightfully France, for example?) I surely would if I were in their shoes!!!
(This is to not even TOUCH upon the exports of our sorry "blockbuster" regurgitated films of comic "hero's" Part 1,2,3 & 4 and beyond!)
Oh yeah. Mega $$$$$ for the kiddies with all of the other cross-merchandising CRAP that McDonald's and others are always eager to oblige in this STUPID stuff!!!!
...And we frickin buy it. We buy it. Hook, line & sinker! ...and by doing so, you know what we do? We encourage MORE of it by voting with our dollars/euros.
And the sad thing about this....the really and truly sad thing about all of this is....other countries buy into this nonsense and might think or allude themselves into feeling that 'they' are somehow following in the footsteps of some great nation when nothing could be further from the truth as it stands right now, IMO.
Sad. A darned shame is what it is if you ask me!