I saw Tucker Carlson 2 months ago in a joint-interview with Al Franken on "Tim Russert."
Tucker Carlson kept telling Al Franken: I'm better than you because you're partisan and I'm not.
I saw Tucker Carlson again today on "Crossfire."
Tucker Carlson similarly boasted: unlike most people, I'm not partisan! I'm a conservative, but if I were to ever decide that the Iraq War was a mistake, I'd say so. ---- Tucker Carlson makes Bill O'Reilly look good by comparison.
At least Bill O'Reilly can point to his opposition to the death penalty and support of environmental regulations as justification for calling himself "independent," even if O'Reilly doesn't make those issues the focus of his show.
Tucker Carlson asked us to believe he's non-partisan because of a tiny possiblity that someday, long after the Iraq War is over, he may say the war was a mistake, though then again he probably won't.
There are many reasons to be opposed to O'Reilly, including O'Reilly's crusade against "The Secularists" and the ACLU, but he's still better than Tucker Carlson.