It's not just about AOL -- never more than a bad joke in even the best of times -- or the Huffington Post. It's bigger than that. It's about how the Web, and especially Google, rewards mediocrity. It's what I like to call The Crappification of Everything™.
The Web has become like television, where if a show is both good and popular it's almost a happy accident. Mostly we get reality TV that's cheap to produce and painful to watch yet still manages to attract lots of eyeballs -- biggest losers, indeed.
When HuffPo launched in 2005, it was unlike anything most of us had seen before. Even if you hated Arianna's politics, you had to admit she'd found a niche with an oddball mix of actual writers and celebutantes, blogging about whatever floated their boat that particular day. It was often terrible, but it was also fresh and new.
What is the Huffington Post today? As I noted in my last post, it's become the Wal-Mart of Web news –- you'll find the pork rinds next to the shotgun pellets and behind the lawn chairs.
What happened? Money happened. Ad dollars started rolling in, but only to a point. Arianna & Co. quickly realized the only way to boost ad revenue was to dramatically increase the volume of posts appearing on the site, and the only way to do that was to hire newbies and have them crank out high-speed rehashes of everything everyone else was reporting, with an emphasis on Google-friendly photo slideshows and celebrity gossip. Sure, the celebutantes and reporters were still there, blogging away for free, but their voices were drowned out by the cacaphony.