Not to cancer, Not to disease, not even to death. No I lost a friend to Right Wing Politics, and Fox news. The Likes of Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Hanity, and the rest of the liars at faux news. They lied to him, converted him and convinced him that People that think like liberals (the same way I do) are dangerous, and In his words "they should be shot on sight." He lives in Pennsylvania, and thinks the gas well fracking ruining well water all over the country is the greatest thing since sliced bread. He accepts no facts backing up My Progressive arguments. He tells me that My arguments are based on Liberal and progressive lies. The more the truth gets in his face, the more he digs in his heels and shakes his head in denial, telling me that I'm talking "crazy talk", and "Your not thinking right.". The Thing that made me end it though, and I mean cut off all ties. Turn my back and kick the dirt of his land off my shoes, was the violent talk. Talk about how the libs and Progressives (Progs) were gonna get theirs, after the Republicans win. At this point I Heard something in his tone that frightened me, I thought of one thing. How long before he thought of me that way? How long before he wanted to pick up his weapon to shoot me, after all I'm just another Lib, an enemy of the people, worthless in the eyes of people who taught him to think this way. The Old German woman up the street from me said a short while ago "it's time that you were silent about politics, just to keep your family safe, I see dark times comming." Her father was picked up by S.S. before the war and was never seen again. So I morn the loss of a once great friend, a guy who would give you the shirt off his back, A man with whom I broke bread with time and time again. That's over now, all that is left of that man is a selfish, self centered, and hard hearted hateful man. I still love my friend but I'm frightened of him. So now I'm left to brood as to what I want to do to the people who did this to us and our friendship.
I'm Reminded of a very black poem of Irish origin Written during the Irish occupation by the British under King William:
Up the Long ladder
Up the long ladder, and down the short rope, To hell with King Billy, and Up with the pope, If that won't Do, we'll tear them in two, and send them to hell with their red white and blue,
The red white and blue they this refers to is of course is the British flag the "union jack". It a cold comfort.