I've been noticing a real change in Novak since his alter ego/evil twin Rolland Evans died in 2000. Before he always, while a Repugnican hack, would try to balance out his interviews and reports and stay "above the fray"...in the fashionable "Old Washington" way.
Those days ended with the 24/7 news cycle and the non-stop spin that puts the attack dogs on the front pages and have relegated the old-timers like the Gergens and Broders and Saffires to the fringes of the real political dynamic. The "fraternity" Novak lived in has begun to shrink and die off and a new breed of "hungry pups" are now trying to push him out. He's biting back at them and the mess they've created.
Novak's a bitter old man who has few real friends inside the Beltway and resents the fact time and life has passed him by. He doesn't care what he says, what he does, who he burns, who he doesn't...I mean this for the Right Wingnuts who he uses just as much as they use him, the "liberals" who are his bread and butter, life-long punching bags and life in general that doesn't revere his age and sage as some type of gospel. Yep, he's the boorish Uncle Scrooge...three-piece suit and all.
It's well known he destests Tucker Carlson and is purely play for pay...he won't say a word that he isn't paid for. One of my viewing highlights is to watch him get knocked around on Cap Gang each week by his "friends" Mark Shields and Al Hunt...they're both onto his game and love to zing it home on the old geezer.
Maybe Novak will be called to testify in front of a Grand Jury and may invoke the Fifth. Maybe he'll reach an agreement with the Prosecutor, Fitzgerald, to disclose without disclosing (the All The President's game of not saying no or denying...) and his involvement will only be of interest to us political animals and no one else. While his actions are part of a treasonist act, he was the messenger, not the orignator of this plan and that's the person we need to find.