I played "Uneasy Rider" on the cd player for her.
I then explained that Charlie Daniels 2003 would be one of the rednecks in the bar kicking the shit out of Charlie Daniels 1973.
She asked me how I knew this, since CD1973 is physically unable to travel to 2003 (or 2004 for that matter) to face CD2003.
I explained to her that CD2003 is now a right-wing media entity, and that he is blasting anti-war "commie pinko fags", of which he seemed to know a lot about as CD1973.
I then got on the internet and read her "Charlie Daniel's letter to the Hollywood Bunch".
She asked me how long ago "Uneasy Rider" was recorded. I told her "31 years ago". She asked me if people change, that actions 30+ years ago can be different from today. I told her yes, but that never stopped people like CD2003 from bashing Bill Clinton for evading the draft.
She usually stays out of my political rants, sometimes playing the Devil's Advocate to my "lefty" rants. (I like to think that I point out the hypocrites, not that I am overly left - think Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam.) She also does not read the newspapers (Akron Beacon Journal is constantly referred to as a "liberal" paper), and catches what news she sees when not watching today's soap tape.
So, do you think I made a point?