seems to think that major media has the facts, and knows Dominatrix "Mistress Lee" will confirm her story on the record, yet will not publish.
Is US Media that controlled by the right wing GOP? Journalist Will Be the First to Expose Kinky Bill Bennett?
Sources say Kinky Bill Bennett is a client of Dominatrix "Mistress Lee". Sources say Ms. Lee's story has been investigated by Josh Green of The Atlantic and Washington Monthly (who exposed Bennett's gambling "problem"), Terry Neal at the Washington Post, and Lloyd Grove at the NY Daily News. Sources say Ms. Lee is willing to confirm her story on the record. The race is on! Who will break the story first? How Kinky Is Bill Bennett? reports, "The nation was shocked to discover that the national scold and morality czar had lost millions at high stakes gambling. A source claiming first-hand information now reports that Casino Bill's other vice runs to the exotic -- liasons with a very buff Las Vegas dominatrix. According to our source, national-press reporters have interviewed the 'beautiful domme muse mistress,' but have been reluctant to publish the story to date." Rumors say Josh Green of the Washington Monthly has the story - the same reporter who broke Bennett's gambling story. Stay tuned!