Edited on Tue Jan-20-04 12:50 PM by papau
The 12 noon Tuesday Whitehouse SOTU leak below:
SOTU will present Bush as a proven, unifying leader, in contrast to the Democrats, and will ignore the embarrassing failure to find Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction, so as to not remind the press of the assertions in the 2003 State of the Union address, that Saddam posed a "serious and mounting threat" to the US, and those infamous 16 words claiming he had been trying to buy uranium from Africa to build a nuclear weapon, which have been totally disproved by subsequent events. Instead, the President will point to the capture of Saddam Hussein, and to Libya's decision to give up its own WMD programme, as proof that the decision to invade was correct, and worth the 500 US soldiers' lives that have been lost so far. - Mr Bush will also claim significant successes in the war against terror -
and the press is not expected to challenge any Bush assertions/claims.
On economic themes, Bush will assert that the recovery is now well under way -
and the press is not expected to challenge his assertions/claims.
Bush will propose a part-privatisation of social security, with workers allowed to invest in the stock market some of the social security taxes they currently pay - and not mention how this is a cut in SS benefits and a way to avoid an FIT increase when it comes time to return the payroll tax surplus stolen by Bush to finance his tax cut for the rich-
and the press is not expected to challenge his assertions/claims.
Bush health care proposals will claim to broaden coverage, and reduce costs -
and the press is not expected to challenge his assertions/claims