shows clips of Superbowl ads; makes points it is a snack advertiser's paradise.
Comment: but this year it's gotten nasty
Camera goes to Eli Pariser.
" It basically amounts to censorship. "
This year a "jilted suitor" (MoveOn) is turning up the heat. Makes point that two other advertisers were turned down.
Shows part of ad. CBS says MoveOn crossed the line, attempting to use the time in the Superbowl for public debate.
Goes to clip of CBS exec saying we do not do advocacy ads.
Shows advocacy ad about drugs.
Democrat Dick Durbin: " pokes CBS in the eye," calling them Conservative Broadcasting Network. Durbin is shown with storyboards of the MoveOn ad.
Conservative talk radio defending liberal media. Shows clip of Dan Patrick, talk show host.
Ending comment: The controversy has given the ad a lot of free time.
