The latest from ol' Brit, on his Special Report that I'm watching right now.
"CIA director George Tenet may have mounted a spirited defense of his agency on Iraq and asked for more time to complete his work, but this is not how--this is how the AP led its report on the testimony: quote, 'In his first public defense in the growing controversy over intelligence, CIA Director George Tenet said Thursday that US analysts never claimed before the war that Iraq was an imminent threat. The urgency of such a threat was the main argument used by President Bush for going to war.' In fact, no administration official, including the President, has ever said the threat from Iraq was imminent, and the President specifically argued that the US could not afford to wait until such threats were imminent before acting."
LIELIELIELIELIELIELIELIELIELIELIE... My lie alarm is going off. Fucking bald-faced unmitigated and intentional untruth, and I've heard it parroted so much.
Anyone here have a link to the soundbyte in which Ari Fleischer (or Scott McClellan maybe, dunno which one it was at that time) says, and I quote, "We're talking about an imminent threat."? They played it on a Pacifica program I was listening to recently.
Or how about this, does anyone have links to audio or video of Rice, Rumsfeld, Cheney, or Bush* going on and on about the "mushroom cloud"? Or a nice montage of Bush* saying "He's got weapons of mass destruction." "We know he's got weapons of mass destruction." "He's got WMDs." "He's got weapons." "Saddam Hussein continues to produce and conceal some of the deadliest weapons ever created."
Please. Somebody link me to some of these audio and/or video soundbytes so I don't decide I made it all up because of my pathological liberal hatred for Bush*. </sarcasm>