Brainwashing and propaganda work, and there is not enough time in the day to "cure" them.. When I hear the c-span callers, I know what they will say next, because they all have the same mantra.. It's drilled into them, like the "multiplication tables" were drilled into us.. Remember the "ABC" song?? Try repeating the ABCs without that song going through your brain..
The "Fox" watchers will never accept that they are getting lies.. Propaganda is insidious, and it always works..eventually.. Fox's methods are very similar to child molestors.. They appear nice and friendly, they look fairly "common" , they speak in soothing tones, and they gradually reel these gullible folks in.. Once they have them, they are always there to give their "friends" the truth..
We know they are lies, but the avid Fox people will never believe us..
We must all teach our kids and grandkids how to watch for the "buzz words" and the slant.. It's there in most broadcasts these days, and once they learn the methods, they can be objective..
I used to do this with commercials and news when my kids were little.. By 4, they all knew that the stuff they heard was not necessarily true, just because someone said it was..and that commercials were made to make money for some rich guys, and that most of the stuff that was advertised was junk..
Critical thinking is a rare thing these days.